
The first of my recipes from my charity curry night to make it onto the blog (it’s probably fair to say that it’s been a very busy week) – I half invented this, half recalled a vague korma recipe from the depths of my overcrowded brain, so it’s not really traditional, but I like to surprise myself. And surprised I most certainly was, this was the undisputed hit of the evening!

Ingredients, serves 4-6:

2 onions
2 cloves of garlic
1 small red chilli, or pinch of dried chilli
1 tbsp oil
2tsp cumin
2tsp turmeric
200g creamed coconut
1 mug of water
100g sultanas
420g white fish fillets
500ml low fat natural yoghurt
Handful of coriander

Peel and finely slice the garlic, and chop the onions. Add to a large saucepan or sauté pan with the oil, finely chopped chilli, cumin and turmeric. Sweat on a very low heat for 10 minutes until the onions are softened.

Add the block of creamed coconut , sultanas and a mug of water, and turn the heat up. Melt the coconut into the pan, stirring to dissolve it and absorb the spices. Add an extra half a mug of water if you feel it needs it – your mugs and my mugs might be different sizes!

Finally when the coconut is melted, add the fish and cook through for five minutes. Remove from the heat and stir the yoghurt through to serve to prevent it from splitting. Garnish with coriander to serve.

Tip: adjust the spices according to taste. I like this mild, sweet and creamy, but it could take an extra teaspoon of cumin and another chilli for a kick.

Pad it out of make it cheaper by adding diced new potatoes and/or a couple of handfuls of frozen green beans.

Jack Monroe. Twitter: @MsJackMonroe


  1. Looks jolly tasty, but it’s worth pointing out that, if you don’t have all the bits and pieces to hand, you can get a decent pre-made korma sauce for under two quid, which brings it down to 60p per person. Just check the label to make sure the ingredients are pukka (so to speak).

  2. Nice..will def try this with the potatoes and green beans.
    If you stir a tablespoon of flour into one cup of yoghurt and let it sit for at leadt 20 mi utes it will not break when it is heated…especially if you use low fat.

  3. A gentle but interesting fish korma – even if fish prices Down Under may not quite equate to your estimates – still fantastic 🙂 !

  4. Fab, ive been looking forward to the curry night recipes.
    Two questions – would this develop nicely in the fridge for a few days, or is it too delicate? And .. would it freeze ok do you think? I havent cooked much with fish 😦

  5. Might it be possible to leave out the coconut (as my husband is allergic to it)? I know it wouldn’t be a proper Korma… I’ve never tried a fish curry.

  6. Am trying out the recipe now. Am making half quantities and therefore have some creamed coconut over and not sure what best to do with it. Any suggestions? My other thought is I’m using a carton of “coconut cream” and am not sure if this is the same thing you mention (as its consistency of thick-ish cream to start with)?

  7. What type of fish did you use? I.e. frozen or fresh, basics range? I think the cheapest white fish in my local supermarket (Morrisons) is the packs of frozen fillets, which I suppose would need defrosting before I did anything with them.

  8. Made this for lunch party, as I liked its simplicity. It was delicious! Used frozen white fish fillets from Sainsbury’s. Will definitely make it again, and again!!

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