New recipe column at The Guardian, and interview with Emine Saner.

Another brief but very exciting announcement that I’ve been keeping up my sleeve: I’ve been offered (and joyfully accepted) a regular weekly recipe column in The Guardian newspaper – new weekly recipes, still focusing on small budgets and simple ingredients. When people ask me what I do for a living, I’m usually stumped as to how to describe the smorgasbord of meetings, speeches, conferences and chopped tomatoes – but I guess I can legitimately describe myself as a “food writer and political campaigner” these days if nothing else! Chuffed doesn’t even come close to describing it – and of course I’ll be blogging the recipes here each week – with some extras – too.


To read the interview by Emine Saner, click here: Jack Monroe: Creative recipes for less than £1 a head

And for everyone asking the obvious question – YES, the veg landed back in the pan! SEE!


Jack Monroe. Twitter @MsJackMonroe. Facebook:

Categories: Blog


  1. Reading your blog and watching things take off for you over the last few months has been really great. Best of luck with everything!

  2. At last your fortunes seem to be changing. Very many congratulations. Now to enlighten the likes of ‘Im an’ ‘is flippin’ breadmaker what it’s really like to try to feed yourself on so little and with scant facilities. “You wouldn’t get it for less than a pound”, for a value loaf?! I ask you, honestly.

  3. Fantastic news Jack, so when do you get your own tv program hehe
    seriously as SB grows up he is going to be so proud of his mum, I can bet Mrs Jack, family and friends are beaming from ear to ear 😀 xx

  4. Congratulations. Well done 🙂 I really love your delicious simple recipes. Cooking isn’t just for “posh people” – everybody should be able to feed themselves properly. You are an inspiration! Thank you and all the best to you, SB and Mrs Jack.

    Lisa x

  5. Well done x. The guardian was required reading when I did my degree. Really would have loved to read your column then. Congratulations to you x

  6. Jack, well done! I hope things become a little easier for you now. Looking forward to non-vegetarian recipes for a change! Ann

  7. Whoopee! You just happened to tap into the zeitgeist at the right moment. Career assured if you cwn network enough. Cometh hour, cometh the Woman.

    I read the “Grauniad” every day so look forward to seeing your column. One in the eye for all the chefs who have forgotten how to eat cheaply, if they ever knew.

  8. Congratulations Jack – so pleased for you!
    By the way I am since reading your blog (never thought i’d say this -always hated them!) a tinned potato convert! I admit I’d have to be on verge of starvation to consume them as they come but they are fabulous in stews, casseroles and any flavorsome dish, especially if left to marinade in sauces/spices prior to cooking – you would never tell they were the demon tinny’s and so much cheaper! No peeling is also a bonus 🙂

  9. Wowee, how lovely to see you becoming successful after such crap. Seems to me the world is now your oyster, I really hope it feels that way too. Xx

  10. I love this abs your work, a huge well done to you. I wanted to share with you that lots of Indian caterers use tinned potatoes to make a curry, they bathe them in thick curry sauces. I can tell the difference but I rarely hear anyone complain. X

  11. Well done, Jack. You’ve probably never read a Seth Godin book, but he could easily make a couple of case studies out of you. Firstly, you picked yourself. That’s to say, you didn’t wait for permission or approval – you just started writing your blog and look what it’s lead to. Secondly, you’re leading a tribe. People like myself are coming back to read your blog on a regular basis and follow your progress. It wasn’t the government that got you out of the desperate situation you were in – it was you. And it’ll be the same for everybody else.

  12. Wonderful! And I love the photos – the first one is impressively elegant and the second one just looks plain fun 🙂

  13. I love the new column! I made the lentil feta and beetroot salad last night and have had lots of comments today about how lovely it looks. I look forward to more recipes

  14. Like those who’ve previously commented, its great to see the upturn in your fortunes. Is your column every Thursday? Don’t normally get a daily paper for cost reasons but will make a point of reading it online if I know which day to look at.

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