Live below the line, first dinner, 36p

Sort-of sweet and sour veg, 36p

This was a stroke of what I like to call genius, when I picked up the mixed peppers and the lemon curd, and wondered whether lemon curd and tomatoes would make a sweet and sour sauce. The short answer – yes! So here’s my answer to a Chinese takeaway, for 36 pence.



150g mixed pepper stir fry, 15p
200g chopped tomatoes, 16p
20g lemon curd, 1p
100g plain white rice, 4p

How To:

Put the rice on to boil. In the meantime, pop the stir fry vegetables into a saucepan with the tomatoes and lemon curd, and heat through on a low heat, stirring to mix the lemon curd in well. The vegetables should cook through the same time as the rice is ready! Serve together and enjoy.

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Jack Monroe. Twitter: @MsJackMonroe

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